FishVault Blog

With so much going on both on and off the water, it's easy to see why some anglers overlook the simple things. You head out to your fishing spot, start unloading your gear, and realize that you forgot something that you really need. Aside from your rod, reel, and lures, here are 4 essentials that you should never leave home without:
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No matter what point you are at in your fishing journey, chances are that you started out by fishing from the bank. While many anglers move on to other forms of fishing, bank fishing can still be quite enjoyable and productive. Whether you’re walking the bank of a creek, lake or pond, there are a few things you can do to greatly increase your chances of success. Here are a few ideas that just might help.
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Aside from the most popular lures and fishing products, FishVault subscribers are also supplied with lots of Terminal Tackle (hooks, sinkers, etc…). While we often focus on the latest baits to hit the market, we also thought it might be good to take a step back and discuss proper ways to use sinkers.
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The May FishVault subscription box highlighted the importance of drinking fresh clean water while you are out fishing. Featuring the Grayl Ultrapress, subscribers now have a simple way to purify their drinking water while outdoors. This item plus a collection of Cuda and Bucca products gave anglers some premium gear to hit the summer waters with.
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If you are like some of the team here at FishVault, fishing for smallmouth bass is a favorite summertime tradition. Unlike its largemouth bass cousin, smallmouth bass prefer not only cooler water, but areas with rocks and current. River fishing for smallies can be fun this time of year and looking for structures in the river is a great place to start. Common structures like tree roots and rock ledges likely not only serve as ambush points, but the calm eddies also let the fish conserve energy between feeding times.
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